Support Team
support@nextpcb.com1. Allegro how to set route keepin, package keepin
1) setup-> area-> route keepin, package keepin -> frame
2) edit -> z-copy-> options-> package keepin, route keepin-> offset-> 50-> click the frame
2. Allegro how to generate drilling files
Manufacture -> NC -> Drill Customization-> auto generate symbols
Manufacture -> NC -> Drill Legend
Manufacture -> NC -> NC parameters-> enhanced excellon format-> close
Manufacture -> NC -> NC Drill-> auto tool select-> optimize drill head travel
3. Allegro how to set the spacing
setup -> constraints-> set standard values-> default value form
4. In Allegro, how to change the stack settings after the routing is complete
Select Setup-> Cross-section
If you want to set the board thickness, first define the board material
setup-> materials
5. How to make specttra in allegro protecting manual routing
route-> automatic router-> sections-> all but select-> select the net to be protected
6. How to make specttra in allegro with 45 degree routing
route-> route Autormatic-> Setup-> enable Diagonal Ruoting
wireGride, safety clearance
Via Gride, line width
If specttra error, route-> route Checks can check for errors
Find excess cline in allegro
TOOLS -> REPORTS -> Dangling line Report
7. Allegro define vias to find the excess cline
Create vias: setup -> vias-> auto define bbvia -> create bbvia-> input pad name-> generate
Automatic routing of the designated vias
Setup-> Constraints-> Physical (lines / vias) rule set-> Set Values-> Via list property-> Name
Clear excess cline
Rout-> Gloss-> Parameters
Or find extra cline
TOOLS-> REPORTS-> Dangling line Report
cline cable
Line border line
8. Allegro's gloss feature
45 degree angle conversion
rote -> gloss-> parameters-> line smoothing -> ok
Arc conversion
rote -> gloss-> parameters-> convert corner to arc-> ok
Teardrop and T-type alignment
rote -> gloss-> parameters-> pad and T connection fillet-> ok
Local gloss function
rote -> gloss-> windows
9. How to change the line width in Allegro?
You can define the width of each layer trace in set standard values in Allegro's Setup-> constraints. For example, you can define a line width of 10 Mil for VCC and GND. Pay attention to the definition of some linewidth in shape-> parameters in the copper is set to DRC Value.
10. The use of Fanout by pick
route-> fanout by pick
To BGA automatically hit via,
For a device fanout, popular that is pulled out from the pin a short section of the surface or bottom line, make a hole
11. How Allegro Cancels Package to Package Spacing DRC Testing
setup -> constraint -> design constraints -> package to package -> off
12. No Placement Grid was found treatment
edit -> z-copy -> option-> package keepin layer -> offset = 40
Or Setup -> Area -> Package Keepin
ROUTING KEEPIN generally shift 40MIL, PACKAGE KEEPING generally shift 120MIL
13. How to change fonts and sizes in Allegro (silk screen, ID, etc.)
Configure fonts: setup-> text sizes
text blk: font number
photo width: configure the line width
width, height: configure the font size
Change the font size: edit-> change, and then select the text in the right control panel find tab (only change the font)
And then right in the control panel options tab line width line width and text block font size.
Finally select the TEXT you are about to change.
All TEXT boxes that you want to edit can be edited in bulk
When building packages can be set
14. How to move the logo of the component in Allegro
edit -> move, find panel on the right only select text
15. Allegro Find components method
Press F5 and then in the Find panel, Find by name below select Symbol (or pin), then enter the component name below, press Enter, the screen will highlight the element
16. Allegro how the components of the underlying components
edit --- mirror, find column selected SYMBOL and TEXT
17. In the PCB Editor start Specctra method
Click on the menu route -> route Editor to start
18. ERROR Unable to open property mapping file: devparam.txt. Error handling
PSpice-> Edit Simulation Profile-> Configuration Files->
Library-> Library path -> (toolspspicelibrary
19. How to hide copper
(the premise is PCBlayout alignment Setup -> User Perferences -> shape -> no_shape_fill tick this option;
20. PCBlayout alignment line size command menu view
Display -> element -> Right Select "find" inside the clines;
21. PCBlayout alignment is completed, the error check command menu
Tools ---> Quick Reports -> Design Rules Check Reports;
22. How to add components in the existing PCBlayout
Place -> Manually -> Adanced Settings -> tick "library" -> Placement List -> Components by refdes;
23. How to use PCBlayout components, stored in the component library
File -> Export -> libraries -> only select "Package symbols"
24. To add and delete the mouse line in PCBlayout
Usually add and delete in the schematic diagram, and then import the network table, if it is necessary to delete Edit -> delete, select the device you want to delete;
25. How to set the coordinate origin
Setup -> Drawing Size -> Move Origin (X, Y);
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