Definition of each layer of PCB board
Posted:03:09 PM September 08, 2021
writer: tom
Many of the technical terms of EDA software do not have the same definition. The following explains the possible meaning literally of each layer of the PCB board.
- Mechanical: General multi-finger board type machining dimension marking layer
- Keepoutlayer: Define the area that cannot be routed, punched (via), or swing parts. These limits can be defined independently.
- Topoverlay: The meaning cannot be known literally. Provide more information for further discussion.
- Bottomoverlay: The meaning cannot be known literally. More information can be provided for further discussion.
- Toppaste: The top layer needs to expose the part of the solder paste on the copper skin.
- Bottompaste: The bottom layer needs to expose the part of the solder paste on the copper skin.
- Topsolder: Should refer to the top solder mask to avoid accidental short circuits during the manufacturing process or future repairs.
- Bottomsolder: Should refer to the bottom solder mask.
- Drill guide: It may be a table of different aperture sizes, corresponding symbols, and numbers.
- Drilldrawing: Refers to the whole bitmap, each different hole diameter will have a corresponding symbol.
- Multilayer: There should be no single layer, which can refer to multi-layer boards, for single-sided and double-sided boards.
- Toppaste: It is the stuff used to open the steel mesh when the surface layer is patched.
- Bottompaste: It is the stuff used to open the steel mesh when the bottom layer is mounted.
pcb board
PCB board
PCB board layer meaning